Imagine you are in a room, no doors windows or anything,how
时间:2017-05-31 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:英语谜语 点击:
谜题:Imagine you are in a room, no doors windows or anything,how do you get out?(想象一下,你在一个没有门没有窗的房间里面,你怎么出来呢?)
谜底:Stop imagining. 停止想象就ok了……
谜底:Stop imagining. 停止想象就ok了……
Imagine you are in a room, no doors windows or anything,how来自于网络,由谜语网(脑筋急转弯)整理编排并为广大网友提阅读,如有您有其他需求及疑问请咨询网站客服人员
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