Does any child like going to school?
时间:2014-04-17 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:灯谜 点击:
谜语题目:Does any child like going to school?
谜语解析:go to School有两种理解:①在学校读书,上学;②去学校,上学校
谜语答案:Every child likes going to school. Most of them just hate staying there before going home.(每个孩子都喜欢去学校,大部分的孩子只不过不喜欢在回家之前呆在那儿罢了。)
谜语解析:go to School有两种理解:①在学校读书,上学;②去学校,上学校
谜语答案:Every child likes going to school. Most of them just hate staying there before going home.(每个孩子都喜欢去学校,大部分的孩子只不过不喜欢在回家之前呆在那儿罢了。)
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