撒切尔夫人名言 英文

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撒切尔夫人名言 英文撒切尔夫人英国的第一位女首相就仅仅这一个特点就足以让世人流芳百世。

撒切尔夫人名言 英文:

2. Watch your words, for they become actions。﹝小心你的言词,因为它们会成为行动。﹞

3. Watch your actions, for they become habits。﹝小心你的行动,因为它们会成为习惯。﹞

4. Watch your habits, for they become character。﹝小心你的习惯,因为它们会成为性格。﹞

5. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny。﹝小心你的性格,因为它会成为你的命运。﹞

6. "If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman." -- May 20, 1965, speech to National Union of Townswomen's Guilds Conference. 如果你想要空谈,问男人;如果你想要成事,问女人。──在全国城市妇女公会联盟会议(National Union of Townswomen's Guilds Conference)上的演讲,1965年5月20日

7. "There are dangers in consensus: it could be an attempt to satisfy people holding no particular views about anything.No great party can survive except on the basis of firm beliefs about what it wants to do." -- Oct. 10, 1968, Conservative Party conference.共识中存在种种危机:共识可能是为了迎合对任何事都没有具体看法的人除非基于对使命的坚定信念,否则不会有伟大的政党──保守党(Conservative Party)大会,1968年10月10日

8. "I don't think there will be a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime." -- TV interview March 5, 1973. 在我的有生之年,没有女性会成为首相──电视采访,1973年3月5日

9. "Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you tonight in my red chiffon evening gown, my face softly made up, my fair hair gently wavedthe Iron Lady of the Western World. Me? A Cold War warrior? Well, yesif that is how they wish to interpret my defense of values of freedoms fundamental to our way of life." -- Jan. 31, 1976.女士们、先生们,今晚, 我身着红色雪纺绸晚装、略施粉黛、秀发轻卷,站在你们面前西方世界的铁娘子。是我吗?冷战斗士?好吧,是我,如果他们想这样解读我对生活最根本的自由价值的捍卫。──1976年1月31日
14. 只要我最终能达到自己的目的,我就会有超常的耐心。──下议院(House of Commons),1982年3月31日

20. "There is no week, nor day, nor hour, when tyranny may not enter upon this country, if the people lose their supreme confidence in themselves, and lose their roughness and spirit of defiance. Tyranny may always enterthere is no charm or bar against it." -- July 19, 1984, during the coal miners' strike.如果人民丧失了对自己的超级自信,丧失了他们的粗鲁和蔑视精神,暴政时时刻刻都有可能降临这个国家。暴政总是有可能进门的--没有什么咒语或门闩能防得住它。--1984年7月19日在英国煤矿工人罢工期间说的话。

21. "Economics are the method; the object is to change the heart and soul." Sunday Times, May 1, 1981.经济学是一种方法,其目标是改变心脏和灵魂。--1981年5月1日在《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)上所言。

22. "We can do business together." -- Dec. 17, 1984, speaking of Mikhail Gorbachev.我们可以合作共事。--1984年12月17日谈到戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)时说的话。

23. "No one would remember the good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions. He had money as well." -- Jan. 6, 1986, television interview.如果那个慈善的撒马利亚人仅仅有良好的意图,没人会记得他。他手里还有钱。--1986年1月6日在接受电视采访时说的话。

24. "There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families." -- Oct. 31, 1987, magazine interview.没有社会这种东西。有的是个体的男人和女人,有的是家庭。--1987年10月31日接受杂志采访时说的话。

25. "We are a grandmother." -- March 3, 1989, announcing the birth of her first grandchild.我当祖母了。--1989年3月3日宣布她第一个孙辈降生时说的话。

26. "If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time and you would achieve nothing." -- May 3, 1989, commenting on her 10th anniversary as prime minister.
27. 如果你的出发点就是讨人喜欢,你就得准备在任何时候、在任何事情上妥协,而你将一事无成。--1989年5月3日评论其担任英国首相10周年时说的话。

28. "I am not immortal, but I've got a lot left in me yet." -- Sept. 9, 1990.我不会永生不死,但我仍有余力。--1990年9月9日说的话。

29. If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing. - Margaret Thatcher 如果你一心为了讨喜,那你就要准备随时随地的屈就,并且你会一事无成。- 玛格丽特•撒切尔

30. Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.站在路中间是很危险的,因为你会被从两个方向来的车辆撞倒。

31. I am extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end. 只要最后能随我所愿,我就会极有耐心。

32. I am in politics because of the conflict between good and evil, and I believe that in the end good will triumph. 从政是因为有正邪之争,而我坚信邪不胜正。

33. If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman. 1965 speech如果你需要信口开河、会说的人,得找个男人;如果你需要找具体做事儿的人,一定要找个女人!---1965年演讲

34. "Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope." May 4, 1979, after becoming PM凡是有不和的地方,我们要为和谐而努力;凡是有谬误的地方,我们要为真理而努力;凡是有疑虑的地方,我们要为信任而努力;凡是有绝望的地方,我们要为希望而努力。(1979年,首次当选首相后)

35. Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.了解持家难处的女性,较易明白治国之难处。(1979年当选首相后)

36. "Pennies don’t fall from heaven they have to be earned here on Earth." November 1979 at a banquet钱不会从天上掉下来,必须脚踏实地去挣。1972年11月 某个宴会

37. I love argument. I love debate. I don’t expect anyone just to sit here and agree with methat’s not their job.我喜欢争论,我喜欢辩论,我不希望任何人只是坐在我边上,同意我的观点,这不是他们的工作。----1980年

38. We want a society where people are free to make choices, to make mistakes, to be generous and compassionate. This is what we mean by a moral society; not a society where the state is responsible for everything, and no one is responsible for the state.
39. 我们想要一个人民可以自由的选择、犯错、持有宽容及同情心的社会。这就是我们所谓的道德社会;不是一个国家要负所有责任,而没有人须要为国家负责的社会。

40. Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.(Margaret Thatcher)做大人物就像做淑女一样。如果你告诉人们你是,那就说明你不是。


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