
时间:2015-06-24 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:经典对白 点击:

2.Hey, Ramesses, how'd you like your face carved on a wall?

3.You almost killed me!

4.Oh, come on! Where's your sense of fun!

5.Come on, Moses, admit it! You've always looked up to me!

6.You don't think we'll get in trouble for this, do you?

7.Why do the Gods torment me with such reckless destructive blasphemous sons!

8.Be still! Pharaoh speaks! I seek to build an empire, and your only thought is to amuse yourselves by tearing it down! Have I taught you nothing?

9.Father, the fault is mine. I goaded Ramesses on, so I am responsible.

20.We didn't, Moses, the Gods did.

21.This is just the beginning. A gateway will open to an entire new city of white limestone, more dazzling than the sun. And here, a statue of Hapi.

22.Nothing you can say can change what I've done.

23.I am Egypt, the morning and the evening star. If I say day is night, it will be written, and you will be what I say you are. I say you are innocent.

24.No! All I've ever known to be true is a lie. I'm not who you think I am.

25.I am the God of your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

26.My people! And I can no longer hide in the desert while they suffer... at your hands.

27.Yes...I had hoped...that...I do not know this God, neither will I let your people go.

28.I will not be the weak link! Tell your people as of today, their workload has been doubled. Thanks to your God, or is it thanks... to you?

29.I didn't mean to cause you more pain. I'm just trying to do as God told me.

30.Enough! I will hear no more of this Hebrew nonsense. Bring him to me!

31.Hm, haha...Abandon this futile mission, Moses. I've indulged you long enough. This must nw be finished!

32.Ramesses! We must bring this to an end.

33.Ramesses, please, talk to me. We could always talk here.

34.This place... so many memories... I remember the time you switch the heads of the gods of the temple of Ra.

35.And there shall be a great cry in all of Egypt such as never has been or ever will be again!

36.Goodbye, brother!

讲述法老发现自己的王国内希伯来人日益增多,开始感到不安,对希伯来人总是无端猜疑,于是命令所有的希伯来人都去当奴隶,并吩咐将所有希伯来人生的男孩扔到河里。这天,一个希伯来妇女生了一个漂亮的男孩,为了自己的孩子能够幸免于难,她将他放到一个草箱中放进了尼罗河。 王后在河边捡到了这个漂亮的男孩,将他带回宫殿抚养,取名摩西。摩西和王子兰姆蒂斯一起长大,两人成了最好的朋友。摩西在得知自己是希伯来人后,他为了阻止一名埃及人残害希伯来人而将失手将他打死。为了逃避法老的惩罚,摩西逃到了米甸地。不久法老去世,兰姆蒂斯成了新法老。摩西原本以为兰姆蒂斯会一改以往法老对希伯来人的暴政,没想到兰姆蒂斯反而变本加厉。在上帝的指示下,摩西知道了自己的使命,于是他决定要带领希伯来人走出困境,到达上帝启示的应许之地。

