
时间:2015-02-07 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:经典对白 点击:

  106.   是安弟的妈咪 她丢了珠宝发疯了吗What's goin' on down there? Is his mom losin' her marbles?

  107.   很显然安弟的妈咪 希望在搬家之前开一个派对Well, obviously she wanted to have the party before the move.

  108.   -我不担心 你们也不需要担心啊 -I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried.

  109.   -胡迪当然不担心了 -Of course Woody ain't worried.

  110.   安弟从幼稚园开始 就最喜欢他了He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten.

  111.   拜托 蛋头先生Hey, hey. Come on, Potato Head.

  112.   如果胡迪说不用担心 那么我绝对不会担心If Woody says it's all right, then, well, darn it, it's good enough for me.

  113.   胡迪以前从来没有弄错过Woody has never steered us wrong before.

  114.   好了 各位 每年圣诞节跟生日 都得来这么一次Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this.

  115.   但是如果安弟有了新恐龙呢 很凶的那一种But what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one?

  116.   我想我是绝对受不了 被抛弃的打击I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!

  117.   听着 没有人可以取代我们Hey, listen, no one's getting replaced.我们讨论的重点是安弟This is Andy we're talking about.

  118.   我们被安弟玩了多少次 并不重要It doesn't matter how much we're played with.

  119.   重要的是 安弟需要我们的时候 我们就在他身边What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us.

  120.   那才是我们做玩具的目的 对吧That's what we're made for, right?