
时间:2015-02-07 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:经典对白 点击:

  91.   我不知道我们要搬家了I didn't know we were supposed to have one already.

  92.   -要拉小手吗-Do we have to hold hands?

  93.   你们以为 我在跟你们开玩笑You guys think this is a big joke.

  94.   我们只剩下一个礼拜的时间 就要搬家了We've only got one week left before the move.

  95.   我不希望任何玩具被丢下来 两个人一组I don't want any toys left behind. A moving buddy.

  96.   如果还没有 去找一个来 If you don't have one, get one!

  97.   好了 接下来...对了 All right, next. Uh, oh, yes.

  98.   星期二晚上 我们开的塑胶老化大会Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting...

  99.   我认为呢 非常的成功was, I think, a big success.

  100.   我们要感谢拼字先生为我们所做的一切\And we wanna thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us.

  101.   -谢谢你 拼字先生 -不客气-Thank you, Mr. Spell. -You're welcome.

  102.   好了 对了 还有一件小事Okay. Uh, oh, yes. One, uh, minor note here.

  103.   安弟的生日派对改到今天晚上Andy's birthday party has been moved to today.

  104.   -等一下-Wait a minute here!

  105.   什么 怎么会改成今天呢 下个礼拜才是他的生日啊What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not till next week!