时间:2015-02-07 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:经典对白 点击:31. 来吧 胡迪-Come on, Woody. Maybe
32. "也许没有人 能像我这样爱护你" But none of them will ever love you the way I do
33. "对你是毫无保留" It's me and you, boy
34. "多少的岁月中" And as the years go by -Whoa!
35. "我们的友谊更加深厚" -Whoa! - Our friendship will never die
36. "你会看到"-Whoo! You're gonna see
37. "我们的命运紧相连 It's our destiny
38. "我是你好朋友" -好耶- You've got a friend in me -All right
39. "哦对 我是你好朋友" -得分- Yeah, you've got a friend in me -Score!
40. "我是你好朋友" -酷\- You got a friend in me -Wow! Cool!
41. -你喜欢吗 -妈咪 真是太棒了-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!
42. -喜欢就好 小寿星 -就跟我在店里看到的一样-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!
43. 好棒 好棒... 希望能摆得下\-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that! That's so...
44. 一二三四 -One, two. Four.
45. 好 这样就可以了Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got...
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