
时间:2015-02-07 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:经典对白 点击:

  16.   Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe! -呀

  17.   You're going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots. 你要去坐牢了 蛋头 跟你老婆小孩说再见吧

  18.   You saved the day again, Woody你又拯救了危机 胡迪

  19.   You're my favorite deputy. 你是我最喜欢的副警长

  20.   You've got a friend in me片名:玩具总动员 "我是你好朋友"

  21.   You've got a friend in me你什么也别愁"

  22.   Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle.来 我们来抓牛

  23.   When the road looks rough ahead道路坎坷困难多"

  24.   And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed要十万八千里才到家门口"

  25.   Just remember what your old pal said牛仔 把他们围起来 "你只要想起我在你左右"

  26.   Boy, you've got a friend in me "我是你好朋友"

  27.   -Yee-haw! - Yeah, you've got a friend in me "哦对 我是你好朋友"

  28.   Hey, cowboy!嗨 牛仔

  29.   "有些人比我能干比我强"Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am

  30.   "身体健壮走起路雄赳赳" Big and stronger too