
时间:2015-01-22 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:经典对白 点击:

  1.   你是体育课跑的最慢的人,还是现今速度最快的人并不重要,大家都在奔跑,人活着就要奔跑,要逃离什么,要奔向什么,或者奔向某个人,无论你跑得有多快,也总有跑不过的东西,总有东西相当设法追上你
  2.   有时候赢得争斗最好的方法不是挑起它,但是如果真的遇到你,打不过对手,放聪明点,转头逃跑是可以接受的
  3.   这本来就是条孤独的道路,别再让自己陷入没必要的孤立中
  4.   不是每一份友谊意味着一辈子。什么是永远是痛苦时,那人走了。

  5.   最难的事情,你要面对的是不是有些怪物有权力。这将会是无用的感觉时,你不能做任何事。或内疚,重量在你当你犯了一个错误。
  6.   有些事你不能改变,有些事你只能适应。
  7.   some things,you can't fight.some things you just have to live with.
  8.   Not every friendship is meant to a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone.

  9.   the hardest thing you're gonna have to face is not some monsters out there with powers.It's gonna be that feeling of uselessness when you can't do anything.Or the guilt that weighs on you when you make a mistake.  10.   Sometimes the best way to win the fight not to provoke it, but if you really met you, beat the opponent, smart, turned to flight is acceptable。
  11.   It's a lonely path.Don't make it any lonelier than it has to be.
  12.   some things,you can't fight.some things you just have to live with.
  13.   Not every friendship is meant to a lifetime. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone.
  14.   There's that one friend who, well ,you hope, someday becomes something more. But 'friend' will have to do for now.


(The Flash)是DC漫画公司旗下的超级英雄,正义联盟成员之一,1940年1月于《闪电侠》创刊号上首次登场。初代闪电侠是大学生杰伊加里克(Jay Garrick)(1940-1956),他通过吸入硬水水汽而得到极速的反射和运动速度。第二代闪电侠是警队的科学家巴里艾伦(Barry Allen)(1956-1986),他被闪电劈中,获得了超级速度,是最快的闪电侠。

