
时间:2014-08-14 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:经典对白 点击:
伊利丹经典台词 伊利丹是魔兽系列中的人物,是著名的恶魔猎手,因为在一次拯救任务中使用了恶魔魔法而被囚禁。他的故事很悲催,为了爱情,他受到了多少折磨,多少歧视。背叛人民,被兄弟背叛,伊利丹背后有一对破碎的翅膀,并且头上有一对弯角,身上有绿色符文,脚是恶魔状的蹄子。下面是泡谜语小编为大家整理的伊利丹经典台词,希望大家喜欢!
1  Tydrande ? It is your voice ,After all this ages spent in darkness , your voice is like the pure light of moon upon my mind 
2 Because I once care for you , Tyrande . I'll hunt down the demons . But I'll never own our people anything !
3 So be it , Brother http://www.xhxsw88.cn/yulu/jingdianduibai/
4  Betrayer.....In Trueth , it was I whos was betrayed ! Still I'am hunted....Still I'am hated ! Now my blind eyes see what others can not ! At sometimes , the hand of fate must be forced ! 
5  Monster ? Is that what you think of me ? I was.....always care for you ! Tyrand ! I thought only to prove this word in this.....my power 
6  Believe me , brother , despite all our differences , you know that I'll never lead Tyrande to harm .....
7  Whatever I may be , Whatever I may becomming this world ..... I will always look out for you , Tyrande ..... 
8 Leave this world,and never return ..... If you do,I'll be waiting 
9 "We've come to end your reign, Illidan. My people and all of Outland shall be free!
10 Come, my minions. Deal with this traitor as he deserves!
11 Who shall be next to taste my blades?!http://www.xhxsw88.cn/yulu/jingdianduibai/
12 玛唯,怎么可能?你赢了,玛唯,但是,一个没有目标的猎手,你离开了我,什么都不是.
13 你们这些乌合之众,休想碰到我
14 让艾辛若斯的烈炎吞噬你们
15 泰兰德?真的是你的声音,在黑暗中度过一万年的漫长岁月后,你的声音还是如同皎洁的月光一般照进我的心中
   伊利丹,魔兽系列中设定的人物,是最著名的恶魔猎手,全名伊利丹·怒风(Illidan Stormrage),之前翻译成“尤迪安”,年龄15036,未婚,玛法里奥·怒风的孪生弟弟,同哥哥一样深爱着女祭祀泰兰德·语风。