
时间:2016-02-14 来源:谜语大全|脑筋急转弯 作者:经典对白 点击:
1、i find Monarchies so endearing. 我发觉君主制很讨人喜欢
because it’s so vulnerable. 因为它很脆弱
you eliminate one person. 你们干掉一个人
and all of a sudden, the whole world changes 忽然间,整个世界就变了
like in a marriage 就像婚姻
2、i work with all the great European and American directors
but i’ll be remember forever for Mister Q . 但是我却总是因为Q先生被人铭记
for a fucking robot . 一个他妈的机器人
i had to wear suit of armor that weighted two hundred pounds
you couldn’t even see my face 你甚至看不到我的脸
3、女儿:to help you get back in shape . 帮你恢复身材
父亲:at my age, getting in shape is merely a waste of time 我一把年纪,保持身材等于浪费时间
4、治疗师: after pain come pleasure 疼痛之后是愉悦
ballinger:and then…..pain again 然后又疼
5、A:you’ve been watching too many movies, you idiot, you’ve forgotten what life is about
B:well , movies are life 电影就是生活
A:didn’t they teach at the film school that inspiration does not exist? inspiration is a lie . 电影学院没教过你灵感并不存在吗?灵感是一个谎言
there is no such thing as inspiration. only fermentation 不存在灵感,只存在构思酝酿
B: inspiration exists, all right….. you just don’t recognize it because you have zero talent.
6、ballinger: sixty years ago you sore you never slept with her, out of respect of my love for her. now you’ve changed your tune.
mick:the real tragedy is that i can’t even remember if i slept with Gilda Black
7、and i was thinking about all the thousands of little things that i done for her as her father. and i done them deliberately so that she would remember them when she grow up.
but in time she won’t remember a single thing.
tremendous efforts, mick, with a modest result .
8、what the fuck do you see in her? 你他妈到底看上她什么了?
she’s really good in bed 她在床上真的很厉害。
9、女儿:she’s a prostitute? 她是个妓女?
父亲:worse, she’s a pop star. 比妓女更糟,是个流行歌星。
10、never a caress, never a hug, never a kiss, nothing. 从不关心,从不拥抱,从不亲吻,都没有
you never know anything about your children. 你对你的孩子们一无所知
you never knew if we were happy, if we were suffering , nothing 你不知我们是否快乐或痛苦,不知
everthing was on mommy’s shoulders,一切都是妈妈扛着
at home the only thing you would say to her were the two words: quiet, Melanie 在家你只会说:安静,梅勒尼!
11、this morning i did this big, powerful piss. 今早上,我狠狠地尿了一次
i haven’t been so happy in a long time 好久没这么开心过
12、this is what you see when you’re young 这是你年轻时看见的样子
everything seems really close 一切都看上触手可得
that’s the future 拥有未来
and that’s what you see when you are old, everything seems really far away.that’s the past
13、intellectuals have on taste 理智的人没品位
14、i want to tell about your desire, my desire. 我想表达你的欲望,我的欲望
so pure, so impossible , so immoral. 如此纯粹、不切实际、不道德的欲望
but it doesn’t matter because that’s what makes us alive. 但没关系,正因如此,我们才活得有意义
15、i’m going to make this movie without you. 没你我也能拍这部电影
life goes on even without all that cinema bullshit 没有那些烂电影,生活照样继续
16、men, artists, animals, plants….we all just extras
17、if you know how to steal, you don’t need training. stealing becomes your education.