- 形状不一脸光亮,穿好衣服照模样。 (打一生活用品)2017-05-31
- 红娘子,坐高楼,刮大风,点点头。 (打一植物)2017-05-31
- Why is six afraid of seven?2017-05-31
- 住在大山矿里,从皮黑到心里,炼到烈火炉里,家家暖在屋里。 (打2017-05-31
- 小小口袋冬天戴,白天把人四处载。 (打一生活用品)2017-05-31
- 瓣儿弯弯像卷发,寒风冷雨它不怕,百花凋谢它开花,中秋时节到万2017-05-31
- 伐木累 (猜一英语单词)2017-05-31
- What clothing is always sad?(什么衣服总是伤感的?)2017-05-31
- 两只小口袋,进出不分开,要想买一只,那可没的卖。 (打一生活用2017-05-31
- 一剪刀剪断身子,埋在土里生根子,上面长出个身子,下面生出胖儿2017-05-31
- I am known for my cleverness and cunning2017-05-31
- How many feet are there in a yard?(一码有多少英尺?)2017-05-31
- I look like a horse ,but my body is covered by black and whi2017-05-31
- 方脸膛,黄又黄,用它洗手洗衣裳。 (打一物)2017-05-31
- what never asks questions but always gets answers?2017-05-31
- 味精太多(打一英文单词)2017-05-31
- I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk2017-05-31
- 某男某女 (打一人体部位)2017-05-31
- 肚子圆又圆,长的像元宝。 (打一食物)2017-05-31
- 节节树,节节高,节节树上戴缨帽。 (打一植物)2017-05-31
- when columbus discovered america,where did he stand?2017-05-31
- Why should we never ask balloons for advice?2017-05-31
- 分娩期(打一经济学用语)2017-05-31
- 都成眷属 (打成语一)2017-05-31