- Why is an empty purse always the same?2013-04-02
- Who may marry many ,英语谜语2013-04-02
- What has hands but no feet?2013-04-02
- What is smaller ?英语谜语2013-04-02
- what will you see if you throw the butter out the window?2013-04-02
- What book has the most stirring chapters?2013-04-02
- 一夜情 (打一数字)2013-04-02
- 一减一(打一字)2013-04-02
- 除了死,还是死(打一数字)2013-04-02
- 左右都是3 (打一数字)2013-04-02
- 三与三,嘴对嘴(打一数字)2013-04-02
- 除了二,还是二百五 (打一数字)2013-04-02
- 除了它,没有意义 (打一数字)2013-04-02
- 除了二还是二 (打一数字)2013-04-02
- 不要酒 (打一数字)2013-04-02
- 鸭蛋(打一数字)2013-04-02
- 金钗之年(打一数字)2013-04-02
- 鸭子(打一数字)2013-04-02
- 豆蔻年华(打一数字)2013-04-02
- 耳朵(打一数字)2013-04-02
- 棍子(打一数字)2013-04-02
- Can you tell me some thing about the great scientists of the2013-04-02
- What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?2013-04-02
- What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, on2013-04-02