推荐阅读:关键词:海水养殖;水温;气象条件 Abstract: Respond to the urgent need for meteorological service from aquaculture in Binhai New Area, the real-time data from August to November, of water in mariculture ponds of shrimp base was analyzed.
Abstract: Respond to the urgent need for meteorological service from aquaculture in Binhai New Area, the real-time data from August to November, of water in mariculture ponds of shrimp base was analyzed. The results showed that the average water temperature of three layers in the ponds were higher than that in air, the water temperature from August to September varied from 20 to 28 ℃, which favored the growth of white shrimp(Penaeus vanamei). From October, the water temperature gradually declined against growth of shrimp. In overcast and cloudy Days, the temperature of lower layer water was higher than the upper, which caused water turbulence. So, special attention should be paid to guard against the pond hypoxia disasters, and the relational model of the air temperature and water temperature in the pond was established,which can real-time forecast water temperature in the pond and provide a scientific support for the best breeding, feeding, harvest and other activities of aquaculture.
Key words:mariculture; water temperature; weather condition
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验地概况
项目采用雨研信息科技(上海)有限公司的水产养殖气象监测显示系统。每套包括4种要素,距水面1.0 m深度溶氧量(±1%)、盐度(±1%)和pH值(±0.1),距水面0.5,1.0和1.5 m 3层深度水体温度(精度±0.1 ℃),监测数据通过GPRS模块实时传送到气候中心服务器的数据库。
1.3 数据处理及分析方法
本文利用观测数据绘制图表,以直观地反映海水养殖条件下气象要素的时空变化特征;并对所取得的数据使用数理统计相关知识和统计软件SPSS进行方差分析、相关性分析以及回归分析。 2 结果与分析
2.1 海水露天养殖池塘池水温变化特征
2.2 水体溶氧量变化分析
观测虾池内有一台增氧机,溶氧减少时会启动增氧机增氧,因此观测的溶氧量为人工干预后的结果。溶氧量观测数据分析结果为,观测期内池塘水体溶氧量在12.0~4.0 mg?L-1之间波动,溶氧量下午高于早晨,白天高于夜间。每天至少有16 h以上大于4.0 mg?L-1,没有出现低于3.0 mg?L-1情况。
2.3 水体pH值变化分析
2.4 盐度分析
2.5 池内水温与气温的关系
3 结论与讨论
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