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发布人: 谜语网 发布时间:2015-09-01 字体: | | 打印文章

推荐阅读:acts on green olympicsonly if we can understand,can we care;only if we care,will we help;only if we help,shall we be saved.i am very proud of living in beijing, the capital of china. every chinese is excited about the result that beiji

acts on green olympicsonly if we can understand,can we care;only if we care,will we help;only if we help,shall we be saved.i am very proud of living in beijing, the capital of china. every chinese is excited about the result that beijing has succeeded in bidding the 2008 olympics. in 2008, athletes from all over the world will come to beijing. how will be beijing like at that time? let me describe it for you------the environment of beijing will be greatly improved then. green trees will be standing along the roads and streets. flowers will be blossoming on the partition area of the roads. birds will be swimming happily in the green river. all the beautiful scenery will be more than the eye could take in.the "green olympics" is one of the major themes of 2008 olympics. nowadays, environmental issue is becoming more and more serious, so environment protection is of great urgency. every one of us should contribute to this great task.i am one of the members of "roots and shoots" group in wen hui middle school. "roots and shoots" is a program about environment and humanitarianism education opened to the youth of all over the world sponsored by jane goodall's research committee. to welcome the 2008 olympics, our group organized lots of activities on environment protection. in this april, we took part in an activity named "cartridges for dragon recycling", which is jointly sponsored by "roots and shoots", "friends of nature" and hp company. the retrieve plan of consume materials aims to decrease the impact of rubbish bury by means of filling or covering to environment by providing simple and environmental protected method to the customers for used printing ink boxes retrieve.just like doctor jane goodall said:" every individual matters; every individual has role to play; every individual makes a difference. i'll try my best to promote this concept to people around me. i believe that every one of us should start at some trivial matters around us and act from oneself to protect our environment, returning the clear sky and green water to beijing. i'm confident when foreign friends come to beijing for olympics in 2008, they will heartily praise:" beijing is so beautiful!"绿色奥运见行动 唯有了解,我们才会关心; 唯有关心,我们才会行动; 唯有行动,生命才会有希望。 我很自豪,因为我生活在中国的首都--北京。北京申办下了2008年的奥运会,每一个中国人都激动不已。到2008年,世界各地的运动员都要来到中国北京,北京会是什么样子呢?让我来描绘一下吧:北京的环境将会有很大的改善,道路两旁种满了绿树,隔离带上开满了鲜花,鸟儿飞翔在蓝蓝的天空上,鱼儿畅游在清清的河水中。景色将会美不胜收。 绿色奥运是我们承办的奥运会的主题之一。如今,环境问题已经愈发严峻,保护环境刻不容缓。我们每一个人都应为此贡献出自己的一份力量。 我是文汇中学"根与芽"小组的一名成员。"根与芽"是珍妮·古道尔研究会面向全球青年关于环境与人道主义教育的项目。为了迎接奥运,我们"根与芽"小组组织了很多有关保护环境的活动。就在4月份,我们参加了一个"循环巨龙:耗材回收"的活动。这个活动是由地球村、根与芽、自然之友和惠普公司联手打造的。耗材回收计划是为了减少堆填和掩埋垃圾对环境带来的影响,为用户提供简单并环保的方法回收用过的打印机墨盒及墨粉盒。 这个活动在同学中的反响很大,因为它与我们息息相关。全校同学都积极参与,大家了解到:耗材如果被弃置在环境中或掩埋,它很难降解,有的还会对环境造成污染。事实上其中的许多成分都可以再回收利用,如:塑料、调色剂、泡沫塑料、海绵、碳粉以及各种金属等等,这些原料加工以后又可以制成新的产品,如:e-木、再循环的塑料、公园长凳子、文具等等。通过耗材回收,可以减少被堆填或掩埋的耗材,从而减少对环境的污染。短暂的一个月内,我和同学们就收集了100多个墨盒。没有使用耗材的同学也都在积极做着宣传工作。可见保护环境的理念已经深入到同学们的心中,每个人都在为保护环境,举办一届绿色奥运尽着自己的一份力量。 正如珍妮·古道尔博士所说:"每一个人都很重要;每一个人都能发挥作用;每一个人都能带来变化。"我还要尽我的力量向身边的人宣传这些理念。我认为每一个人要从身边的小事做起,从自己做起,保护环境,还北京一片绿水蓝天。当2008年奥运会外国友人来到北京的时候,一定会由衷地赞叹:"北京真美呀!"[CHAZIDIAN.COM]
