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  • 如何写辞职信

    1、填写需要知会的上司 辞职的对象通常是直接上司或公司的人力资源部,所以,辞职信开头称呼要写接收人及职务。如尊敬的李经理,等。 2、清楚写出辞职的理由 虽然这是一个机会,可以吐露你的真实想法,你可以把对企业、对直接上司的不满一吐为快,但实践证明... [查看详细 ]
  • 邀请信函

    Dear Sirs, Our new-factory will be commencing production on January 1 and we should like to invite you and your wife to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion. As you will appreciate,this is an important milestone for this or... [查看详细 ]
  • 教育实习感谢信

    尊敬的中学校领导、老师们: 您们好! 时间过得真是快,距离我刚刚来学校实习已经过去一个月了,短短一个月的教育实习即将结束,在此离别之际,请允许我对学校的各位领导以及老师们致以最衷心的感谢,谢谢你们耐心的教导和帮助。 这是我们第五次来到贵校进行... [查看详细 ]
  • 辞职信英文

    Dear Mr.* Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September 30, 19?, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date. As you know, my primary interest has... [查看详细 ]
  • 学院通报表扬信范文

    表扬信 20XX年2月x日上午10点,xx学院200x级x班xx、xx、xx三位同学在食堂附近捡到现金400元整。因没有任何证件可证明失主的身份,三人及时将现金交于校学生处,以便通过校方尽快将钱物归原主。这三位同学的行为充分体现出当代大学生的优秀精神风貌。 经学院... [查看详细 ]
  • 乐于助人表扬信

    很多人经常做乐于助人的事,也许你就是小小的帮助,对别人来说却是得到了很大的帮助。 xxx领导: 3月5日中午,由于孩子在家玩火,造成一场大火灾,当时我们尚未下班。贵校学生周xx发现火情之后,不顾自己身体有病,备不顾身冲进火海。由于火势很猛,屋里烟浓... [查看详细 ]
  • 请开信用证信函

    Dear Sirs, We thank you very much for your order NO.DF-16 March 28 with which you have sent us your shipping instructions.The goods of your order are being manufactured for shipment. You informed us that you will arrange to open an irr... [查看详细 ]
  • 英语辞职信怎么写

    Dear Mr. Please accept my resignation as associate chemist at the GERT Institute. I plan to leave my job here on September 30, 19, taking a few days of annual leave just prior to that effective date. As you know, my primary interest has b... [查看详细 ]
  • 捐款感谢信

    尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的朋友们、同事们: 你们好!首先我想表达我最诚挚的谢意和最真挚的感激之情! 201*年的10月18日,对我来说是个阴暗的日子。17日晚总公司领导**电话通知18日去科技馆开会,18日开完会准备坐车回家时,突然被后面飞驰而过的摩托车抢走我... [查看详细 ]
  • 英文祝贺信范文

    18 Chengtu RoadMay 12, 1999My dear Harold,I have just received your letter telling me of your recent marriage. This happy event in your life prompts me to reply at once; and, in my own peculiar way , to attempt to offer you my hearty congr... [查看详细 ]
